The SMARTA Project » Demonstrators


Rural areas in Europe are extremely diverse in nature; this diversity is clearly reflected in their mobility needs and in the solutions to address them. The big challenge for rural areas is to find these relevant cases and to access their experience in starting or extending a rural mobility scheme.

SMARTA sets out to increase the knowledge on sustainable rural mobility by evaluating shared mobility solution implemented or currently under implementationin rural areas across Europe. A total of 14 such initiatives have been selected for their interest in contributing to the wellbeing of the communities in rural areas and for their willingness to share their results and achievements.

The selection is truly European-wide bringing together examples from Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Austria, Romania, Greece, Latvia and Poland.

Out of the 14 rural mobility schemes selected, four are included in the ‘SMARTA2 Project’ and currently deploying the mobility service, five are working directly with SMARTA during their implementation phase and an additional five have previously deployed a service and are working with SMARTA on improving it.

Take a sneak peek!

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