The SMARTA Project » CONNECT (2004-2006)

CONNECT (2004-2006)

CONNECT project was funded under the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission, through DG-RESEARCH. The core purpose was to assemble knowledge and experience relating to Flexible Transport (including DRT) in order to identify good practice and develop further the metods for business development. The CONNECT consortium consisted primarily of industry experts. It did not have demonstration sites, but relied instead on a wide range of case studies supplemented by industry surveys.

Deliverable D10: Innovative Solutions and Test Cases concerning Business Development

This document reports the findings from 19 case studies of DRT (10 in Europe, 9 in USA). For each, it examined the Business Model, Organisational Modal and Regulatory, Legal and Policy context and any constraints arising. The document presents the findings in each strand, indicating the substantial evolution in DRT and the changing nature of both the business model and the implementing organisation. In particular, it identifies the shift in the primary actor away from the conventional transport operator and towards the “business acquirer” and B2C/B2B model (see also FAMS project).

Deliverable D12: Updated Business Development Knowledge Base Repository

This document builds on the D10 work and is focused on exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the FTS concepts and methodology elements. The definition of the alternative concepts and their prioritisation is demonstrated in the document. The CONNECT team proposes that there are 7 basic Service Concepts as follows: 2 for closed user groups (including special needs), 3 for urban/suburban, and 2 for rural areas. Each Service Concept may have many variations, depending on scale, level of service, vehicle types, actors etc. The set of FTS options could be developed with two stages. First the framework is set by describing the site and its context. Then all possible concept dimensions are considered. For each dimension there will be either a pre-determined approach, or open options. The possible combinations of the open dimensions will form a set of FTS options. The CONNECT team presents the concept description with six business model dimensions, three organisational issues dimensions, three financial dimensions and two operational dimensions. In addition with the FTS dimensions mentioned above, there are other issues that have to be taken into consideration when implementing the FTS. However they are not fitted in the concept description. These issues mentioned above form “the second level of concept dimensions”.

Deliverable D14: Recommendations for Business Development

This document consolidates the knowledge developed within the CONNECT project, including external perspectives gained through workshops. It synthesises the main issues in the strands of Business Model, Organisational Aspects and Legal and Regulatory Frameworks. It then presents an overview of the industry situation across Europe (based on both the D10 case studies and an additional survey) and concludes with reflections on key aspects to consider in business development of DRT. It concludes with an assessment of the concept combinations developed in D12.