The SMARTA Project » SMARTA at SRITC Virtual Cafe

SMARTA at SRITC Virtual Cafe


Last week the SMARTA project representatives Laurie Pickup and Bruno Van Zeebroeck presented the findings from the project’s evaluation of pilot sites at the 2021 Virtual BYOC Café series. 

The presentations included insights into the process of setting up a pilot, from setting up an objective and utilizing local strengths and connections to how results are obtained. The representatives have also discussed the multitude of alternative services, their level of innovation and their integration into a rural mobility scheme.

Prof. Laurie Pickup has also presented a set of recommendations for the future of rural mobility that stemmed from SMARTA’s extensive research and analysis of existing European frameworks and good practices. 

The event was chaired by Jenny Milne and focused on European initiatives surrounding the issue of rural mobility and also featured a great presentation from MAMBA Project representative, Hakan Uraz.

If you are interested in hearing the full presentations and learn more about SMARTA and rural mobility you can watch the event’s video recording here.