The SMARTA Project » Rethinking Rural Mobility at the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019

Rethinking Rural Mobility at the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019


SMARTA will be featured in Session 18: Transport for all: challenges, opportunities and new tools to improve mobility in rural and peri-urban areas of the CIVITAS Forum Conference.

The low provision of public transport services in suburban and rural areas often means a high level of car dependency and more difficulties in accessing goods and services located in urban centres. Vulnerable-to-exclusion travellers such as mobility impaired, elderly people, youngsters, low income, unemployed persons, migrants, can be automatically excluded from society if they do not have equal access to transport.

Four EU-funded projects and a project from Latin America join forces to showcase results and outcomes in order to improve accessibility, inclusivity and equity for specific areas and communities. The session, moderated by Laurie Pickup (Vectos), will start with five presentations, followed by a 10 min. Q&A session. The second part of the session will be an interactive session on innovative solutions addressing accessibility of public transport in remote urban and rural areas, with a focus on real-life initiatives (best practices).

Lucia Cristea (EIP) will present the building blocks for a new rural mobility future on Thursday, 3 October. The session will start at 14:30 in room: Sitzungssaal.

For more details about the CIVITAS Forum Conference please visit